Mexico city Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Mexico city.

Meet 5 CEO View everyone

ID 795861

Angel Gonzalez Mendez

CEO & Founder at Innovación en Ciencia & TI Core and MSc. and IT

ID 741000

Genaro Madrid

Founder Telómero • Studied at @unam-universidad-nacional-autonoma-de-mexico

ID 558446

Pablo Gonzalez Vargas

Background in e-commerce, marketing and media. Pablo founded EXA Radio and TV, one of the most popular media chains for youth in Latin America with 70 stations

ID 795982

Ivan Balandrano

ID 442062

Daniel Rojas

CEO of Rocket.La. The best startup to make optimal financial decisions in Latinamerica. Proud member of #500Strong family

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