Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Mexico city.
Co Founder at @survmetrics @innventu. Marketing, Business development and project management experience.
Businessman,Entrepreneur,Information Systems Architect,Author,Keynote Speaker,Radio Host,Media Producer,Investor,Engineer,Tech Evangelist,Philanthropist
Data analysis passionate!
Co-founder & CEO of Animalvitae. Biologist & Biochemist. Musician whenever time permits...
Javascript developer
Startup Weekend local organizer, now part of the 500 family.
@nubity co-founder, entrepreneur, technology enthusiast and geek.
Co-Founder POP Contacts, Phone+, and Chief Designer at Garage Coders
CEO & Founder of @conekta
Founder @lastroom • Ruby Rock Star, HTML5 and Javascript
Partner @500startups. Media entrepreneur, connector and advisor.
Marketer. Designer. Entrepreneur.
Founder: (2M users), (300K visitors/day, 1M users, sold).
Clients: Coca-Cola, Lenovo, Bristol, PepsiCo.
Founder & CEO @ Shopeando - International Marketing & Management @ University of Sussex; Worked @ Unilever, Bristol Myers, Mead Johnson, Smurfit Kappa & Mexican Customs
CEO of @cloudadmin-inc Passionate Software Developer and Serial Entrepreneur.
Will get to this in a minute
Co-founder at @sindelantalmx
Founder Motormax, @smowtion @bumeran • Worked at @sap, @bumeran-com • Investor @fnbox, @hunt-mobile-ads, @satellogic
CEO and Founder of @vlex, Gobal Legal Research Platform
Founding Partner & Entrepreneur Evangelist at SV LATAM Fund and ZFunction University
Coach, Author, Storyteller, Pitch Training, Stanford, Singularity
I've gone from idea to millions of users a couple of times.
Founder Telómero • Studied at @unam-universidad-nacional-autonoma-de-mexico
Founder @crescendi, OmniTutor • Worked at @crowdfunder-mx, @united-nations
Product Designer at Studied at @universidad-nacional-de-colombia
CEO & Co-Founder @ Ex Creative Director @ Flock.
I'm student from UAEM (Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico) in Administrative Computer Science. Big data, Project management
BlackBerry Developer Evangelist for the BlackBerry 10 Platform. Adobe Community Professional & founder of the User Group RIActive in Mexico City. In the last year Edgar was recognized as a BlackBerry Elite Developer, his principal strengths are in mobile
CEO @ Venzee. Serial entrepreneur with a passion for e-commerce. 6 startups, 4 exits, 1 fail. Left handed, loves football, high heels and salad cream on chips.
Knowledge Manager @naranyaventures | @draper-university | @world-economic-forum Global Shapers | @one-young-world | Global Dignity.
Managing Partner at Disruptive Venture Partners
Founder and CEO of Life of Two, the maker of Twyxt, a mobile communication platform for couples. Previously founded and spearheaded the IAB in Mexico for 7 years developing the marketplace for online advertising.
Husband. Proud father. Industrial Engineer at ITESM. Harvard MBA 2012. Worked at Xignux and Proeza. Founder bebe2go
Founder @balam, Entrepreneur interested in complex systems, A.I., Big Data, analytics, and video games. Worked at Deloite, and Bosch Rexorth A.G. at Germany.
I specialize in thinking. Web Developer. Geek. Love Nature. Freelance entrepreneur for 9 years, leadershiping teams in the digital marketing industry.
CEO of Rocket.La. The best startup to make optimal financial decisions in Latinamerica. Proud member of #500Strong family
30 years creating engaging Latino communications. Founded two award-winning Hispanic ad agencies and world's largest Spanish-language digital health resource.
Serial Entrepreneur, Founder @Intelihost, Co-Founder @coinbatch. Financial Innovation @GrupoSalinas. GSP14 @SingularityUniversity
a DOer. Changing the life of latin woman.
CTO at Garage Coders/POP Contacts, Inc., Strong mobile and VoIP security background.
@hostspot co-founder ,startup creative, internationally awarded in publicity and design
UVM Communications, Grupo W Digital Invaders
Co-founder of, previous experience as management consultant and software developer. MBA/Computer Science degrees.
Backend guy specialized in LAMP platform. Currently experimenting with Node.JS, MongoDB and Ember.js
Entrepreneur, iOS Software Engineer. Software architect for cloud services.
Founder @doctorsim-com
Ex consultant in retail with a specialty in customer experience and store digitalization
Founder & CEO @epic-queen • Worked at @shoe-lovers, @itexico-llc @aivo @hipertextual • Studied at Tec de Monterrey • 500 Startups exalumni • UX/UI expert.
I work with brands, startups, enterprises, and telcos -- often focused on mobile media and digital intelligence.
Background in e-commerce, marketing and media. Pablo founded EXA Radio and TV, one of the most popular media chains for youth in Latin America with 70 stations
Founder and CEO of Prefixa. Entrepreneur and Scientist. 3D and machine vision expertise.
Expert in IT Transformation, with a broad and strong expérience all over the world : Orange executive, Capgemini and GFI Informatique Executive Committee Member
Entrepreneur, business advisor, interested in startups
Sold and led projects with clients of many industries in local and global settings. Strong development of business relationships. Business development.
Founder F.A.R.M.
Worked at @walkmore • Studied at @unam-universidad-nacional-autonoma-de-mexico
My job is to reach my dreams | Mexican Entrepreneur | CEO & Founder BrandMe crowdmarketing | Global Entrepreneur Finalist GSEA 2012 | G20yea delegate
Founder @lastroom
Computer Scientist highly motivated to develop software solutions based on data science, data mining and machine learning.
COO of PawHub. Developer, Entrepreneur, Android Developer Beginner, Web Developer Sr
Entrepreneurial spirit, fast learner, adaptable. Love technology.
Founder @kms México • Worked at @nestle • Studied at @Instituto Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Founder @cotiza-contrata • Studied at @universidad-nacional-autonoma-de-mexico
Founder and CEO at G O N T A G. Creators of the Luft LTS.
Para mí eres Tú, y nadie más.
Founder at Uniko DF. Before that worked in digital marketing for global agencies such us DDB and Starcom Mediavest Group
Founder @Sin Acqua, @osmoh2o • Working at @king-abdullah-university-of-science-and-technology-1 • Studying @tu-delft-netherlands
Endlessly curious generalist. Perceivable impact is a must.
Data-scientist, Founder at Pollstr, PhD Economics, University of Essex, UK
Founder @no-distroti • Studied at @universidad-europea-de-madrid, @universidad-intercontinental
Founder @zabvio-com, CEO fo, business and entrepreneurship background, abundance evangelist.
Founder @bitcoinatm360 (Ignite Financing), adviser @coinbatch . Background in NetOps, project managment, budgeting, entrepreneurship.
I studied political science. I love my country and im trying to make a difference
Founder Network Consulting • Studied at @universidad-francisco-marroquin
Web systems architect, who integrates stakeholders needs,
constraints and risks with outstanding vision, strategic thinking, creativity and conflict
Founder Smart Bus • Worked at @grupo-salinas, @tr3sco • Studied at @instituto-politecnico-nacional
Strong concept thinking and user driven design, audiovisual specialist.
Founder Pronovatek • Founder OS-UPIITA • Worked at Freelancer • Studied at @instituto-politecnico-nacional
i love make things better (and even better)
Php? Mysql? Finances? what about
Business developer, manager
UX/UI designer with human factors focus & HCI, ergonomics approach who loves innovation
IPADE MBA, Business Development, worked for Sony 10+ yrs Mkt & Sales, currently project manager at mining contractor
Founder Alart • Worked at @secretaria-de-cultura-del-estado-de-jalisco, @museo-de-arte-moderno • Studied at @instituto-tecnologico-y-de-estudios-superiores-de-occidente
Founder @neurocrowd-1 • Studied at @instituto-tecnologico-y-de-estudios-superiores-de-monterrey, @universidad-la-salle
Founder SMARTMED • Studied at @university-anahuac
Founder Get In • Worked at @endeavor-mexico • Studied at @university-anahuac
Founder of GraphMe: Graphing Calculator. Worked at UNAM as a professor. Studied Master of Science in Mathematics at CIMAT. Strong mathematical background.
CEO & Founder at Innovación en Ciencia & TI Core and MSc. and IT
Founder and CEO of Music Sound Lab • Studied at @universidad-del-valle-de-mexico, former staff selection processor at The Nielsen Company
Founder A las 3, @wfh
Work in startups , abassi and infotec
Founder @zabvio-com • Studied at @instituto-politecnico-nacional
Founder @zabvio-com Entrepreneur and Software Engineer with background (JavaEE, PHP)
Consultor y arquitecto de software.
Founder ZEVACH
Alejandro has worked with Java related technologies for 11 years. experience using: javascript, python, groovy,
Dojo, jQuery, Ext JS, SpringSource portfolio.
23 year old Mexican hot shot; Agent of change; Entrepreneur; Honorable mention in Mexmun and Congresmun; Founder of Carbotanium Design and Hundra Seven:7
Founder KMS México • Worked at @aztra-zeneca, @ctin-grupo-carso • Studied at @instituto-politecnico-nacional
CEO of Sharp Dynamics, actively helping startups with their initial kick. Software passionate with great knowledge of application development and lifecycle. I like pizza.
Currently working like System Administrator & Application Developer at Klink Mobile, Inc., Worked on Private & Public enterprises in México. FLOSS enthusiast & Specialist, Mentally restless, always seeking new knowledge and how to apply and transmit them.
Ing. Sistemas de la ESCOM del IPN, desarrollador de software apasionado, interesado en computo móvil,diseño interactivo,desarrollo web y toda nueva tecnología
Founder and CCO of @music-sound-lab • Studied at @universidad-del-valle-de-mexico
Cofounder @billpocket-1 and @explora. IPADE and ITESM alumni.
Studied at @universidad-la-salle · Experience in systems development and design . Founder NeuroCrowd
iOS developer, developer of Magic Fields (wordpress plugin). Worked at Freshout, Astrata, Blend
Developer @crowdfunder. Currently into Laravel and AngularJS | Gamer: Poker - StarCraft - MTGO
CTO of @bitline. Student of Computer Systems Engineering. Code lover.
Founder @www-artesaniasenmexico-com
Give me a job. #WorkForFree
♚olvidate de todo,menos de ser feliz :3 #NSN
Founder Bongo Studios, Bongo Studios
SAP designed and launch 3 app to solve business problems for Automotive Industry, Retail, and Risk Management.
Founder Cobra Online, S.A. de C.V. i love to create technology projects in many areas, my actual project is Sr.Pago a social commerce network
Founder @4mc-mexico, @digital-sales • Worked at @marco-marketing-consultants • Studied at @universidad-tecnologica-de-mexico
Web and Mobile developer with 6+ years of experience. Worked on projects for companies like Ford, AMIPCI, Ernst & Young and Banamex
Economic and industrial engineering diploma, project management experience, great communicational skills, fluent polish, spanish and english, interested in Lean
Works at @codigo-facilito as CTO and co owner.
Co-Founder at Cocothink and Apprendiz.
10+ años de experiencia en comunicación en marcas como Heineken, Santander, ITESM
Founder of Pokapok, business school, business life. Developer and sports enthusiast.
Lived in CA, moved to Mexico to finish my studies. Hungry for Innovation and Original Ideas. Excellent public speaker.
Founder @qompit
Best person use photoshop and makinv videos and editing photos when i was in the high school. I love the photograpy and the life
Founder Contalisto • Worked at @fire-stone
Launched several games and apps for iOS and Android.
Start up Passionate. Internet Entrepreneur.
Founder of VisoMall • Woked at @ViralShops and @GeoExplorer.
Founder: Induction Energy Systems
3d modeler, Architecture, Interior, Character Animation, Flash, Web, Html, Multimedia, Gmaes.
Creadora de @clipstory. Following my dreams. I love adventure.
Proyecto: Linea de lenceria para damas a lanzar en Mexico
Founder to
“Nos mueve la ignorancia y servilismo en México” y cualquier burro puede ser presidente, entonces sí se puede.
Economist and Activist Investor, experienced retailer, banker and insurer. Supporter of the extended order of human cooperation.
Mis días transcurren mientras diseño sitios de internet. Rosarino, @beew, dirigente de club, basquetbolista, ex estudiante de comunicación y no mucho más.
3d animator, digital artist, gamer and Autodesk Certified Instructor Maya 2012, Adobe Certified Expert.
Experienced LAMP/Web Developer, creating ecommerce solutions and CMS platforms using different frameworks. Also I've made FB apps and responsive sites.
Adelgazar ya rapido comiendo de forma saludable y practicando ejericios fisicos de forma moderada.
Advanced High-Information Content Marketing and Strategy, Association & Membership Strategy
Marketing Analyst and Consultant. Marketing Research. Turning data into actionable insights. Experience with product execution. Proven track record. ITESM.
I'm a full-stack online marketer who helps spartups and small businesses grow online.
Envío de mensajes de texto SMS masivos ideal para cobranza, notificaciones, publicidad, campañas políticas
Self-taught of heart and web developer
Yes, we code
Graphic designer, entrepreneur and founder of @destroyer-designers-mexico least two good ideas before breakfast.