Map of the local innovation industry. Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Mexico city.
GPTs, personalized for you. Agency providing easy to use AI tools to small businesses.
Building Shareholders Value with Digital Assets Consulting firm specialized in the attainment of short-term results for the marketing, communications, content curation, mass consumption and telecommunications industries.
CREATING INNOVATION & COMPETITIVENESS Consulting firm in food science & technology and food analysis laboratory
Wisdom sharing community Ficus is a big family around the world sharing knowledge and experience to make better and wiser decisions in our lives to improve humankind. Ficus leverages our excess capacity of knowledge and experience acquired through time to be shared among ourselves. All ...
Crowdfunding platform to find business partners BuscaSocios.Mx is the first mexican crowdfunding platform that allows entrepreneurs to find partners and not just money to fund their business. Through our website people are able to publish their business project to look out for donors, funders, business partners ...
IT Security Services for Enterprises
Code marketplace for Latin America The name of our product is Papps (Plataforma de Apps). We think that our name is appealing because here in Mexico, ¨paps" is common slang within young, tech savvy and middle and upper class people. Papps it´s a website where you can buy and sell source code for ...