Mexico city Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Mexico city.

Meet 16 designer View everyone

ID 65594

Patricio Buenrostro-Gilhuys


ID 307907

Ana Karen

Founder & CEO @epic-queen • Worked at @shoe-lovers, @itexico-llc @aivo @hipertextual • Studied at Tec de Monterrey • 500 Startups exalumni • UX/UI expert.

ID 99930

Román Castillo

Marketer. Designer. Entrepreneur. Founder: (2M users), (300K visitors/day, 1M users, sold). Clients: Coca-Cola, Lenovo, Bristol, PepsiCo.

ID 377190

Horacio Bella

Mis días transcurren mientras diseño sitios de internet. Rosarino, @beew, dirigente de club, basquetbolista, ex estudiante de comunicación y no mucho más.

ID 197381

Carlos Leon

UX/UI designer with human factors focus & HCI, ergonomics approach who loves innovation

ID 857578

Poettier Vázquez Smith

Strong concept thinking and user driven design, audiovisual specialist.

ID 389231

Anibal Herrera

Graphic designer, entrepreneur and founder of @destroyer-designers-mexico

ID 369240

Juan Albán

i love make things better (and even better)

ID 329402

Abraham Cornejo

@hostspot co-founder ,startup creative, internationally awarded in publicity and design UVM Communications, Grupo W Digital Invaders

ID 442043

Hugo Marin

Product Designer at Studied at @universidad-nacional-de-colombia

ID 773008

Dorian Herrera

Web and Mobile developer with 6+ years of experience. Worked on projects for companies like Ford, AMIPCI, Ernst & Young and Banamex

ID 496002

Ismael Alva

ID 200581

Oz Garcia

Co-Founder POP Contacts, Phone+, and Chief Designer at Garage Coders

ID 386488

Ulises Urban

Founder @cotiza-contrata • Studied at @universidad-nacional-autonoma-de-mexico

ID 795264

Ezequiel Gonzalez

Work in startups , abassi and infotec

ID 524015

Antonio Flores

Founder Cobra Online, S.A. de C.V. i love to create technology projects in many areas, my actual project is Sr.Pago a social commerce network

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