Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Mexico city.
Founder Contalisto • Worked at @fire-stone
My job is to reach my dreams | Mexican Entrepreneur | CEO & Founder BrandMe crowdmarketing | Global Entrepreneur Finalist GSEA 2012 | G20yea delegate
Adelgazar ya rapido comiendo de forma saludable y practicando ejericios fisicos de forma moderada.
Founder Cobra Online, S.A. de C.V. i love to create technology projects in many areas, my actual project is Sr.Pago a social commerce network
Founder A las 3, @wfh
i love make things better (and even better)
IPADE MBA, Business Development, worked for Sony 10+ yrs Mkt & Sales, currently project manager at mining contractor
Marketer. Designer. Entrepreneur.
Founder: (2M users), (300K visitors/day, 1M users, sold).
Clients: Coca-Cola, Lenovo, Bristol, PepsiCo.
23 year old Mexican hot shot; Agent of change; Entrepreneur; Honorable mention in Mexmun and Congresmun; Founder of Carbotanium Design and Hundra Seven:7
I work with brands, startups, enterprises, and telcos -- often focused on mobile media and digital intelligence.
Economic and industrial engineering diploma, project management experience, great communicational skills, fluent polish, spanish and english, interested in Lean
“Nos mueve la ignorancia y servilismo en México” y cualquier burro puede ser presidente, entonces sí se puede.
Business developer, manager
Will get to this in a minute
I'm a full-stack online marketer who helps spartups and small businesses grow online.
Advanced High-Information Content Marketing and Strategy, Association & Membership Strategy
Ex consultant in retail with a specialty in customer experience and store digitalization
Founder & CEO @epic-queen • Worked at @shoe-lovers, @itexico-llc @aivo @hipertextual • Studied at Tec de Monterrey • 500 Startups exalumni • UX/UI expert.
Marketing Analyst and Consultant. Marketing Research. Turning data into actionable insights. Experience with product execution. Proven track record. ITESM.
Start up Passionate. Internet Entrepreneur.